Aoi Yuuki, who continues to fight against the monsters that nest in the school as Chia Sapphire, fights against the powerful monster Gurgan that the high-level monster Zenon unleashes, but is overwhelmed by her power and is defeated by being tormented and defeated. My body is toyed with by Zenon. Aoi manages to escape, but in order to win against the formidable Gurgan, she uses the 'destruct baton', which gives her powerful powers if she transforms with it, but is forbidden to use due to its severe side effects. I put it out. Chia Sapphire defeats the enemy with overwhelming power using the Destruct Baton, but the curse of the Destruct Baton attacks Aoi and turns into Dark Sapphire. Can Aoi overcome the curse and defeat Zenon? ? [HAPPY END]
THP-095 Super heroine close call! ! Vol.95 Pretty Soldier Chia Sapphire ~Baton of Forbidden Evil~