Video description

My boyfriend, a member of a certain male idol group, is a very jealous person. He is usually quite kind, but suddenly becomes suspicious and attacks me, saying, "Aren't you playing around with other guys?" No, he turns into a sadist who is constantly blaming me. Every time this happens, I get confused and sometimes I want to cry because of his intense behavior. But still, I can't break up with him. My best friend tells me that's why you're a mentally unstable person, and that if our relationship is so messy, then we should just break up! But I can't break up with him, because I still like him and love him. So, I've revealed my confession in this video quite frankly and openly, but how do you feel about it? Will you sympathize with me when you watch this video? Or will you be like my best friend and push me away and be annoyed? I'm sorry, I made such a private confession into a video. I'm really sorry. But if possible, could you please watch it and let me know what you think? Thank you!